Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Scientist discovered a new animal! They named it Brog. Its scientific name is Hyla Anas. It's half duck and half frog. Brog has emerald green eyes and waterproof feathers. It lives in the mud at the lake. It burrows down in it just like a normal frog would do. During the winters it migrates south, to the sunbelt. It eats anything on the bottom of the lake. It also has a long stretchy tounge to catch flies out of the air and to grab minnows underwater and drag them into its mouth. It can make two different sounds. One like a duck for mating. The other is like a frog for just anytime it wants to here itself make noise. You can now buy them in pet stores nationwide! So get to it! You know you want one. Who wouldn't?

1 comment:

Squarish Square said...

You know who doesn't want a brog? Me. You know who doesn't want to go to a pet store just because they'll take every precaution to never encounter a brog again? Me. You know whose childhood was ruined by brogs? My childhood was ruined by brogs. I don't wish to speak about it. However, I will leave you with a tidbit: a brog ripped my mum's ribcage out (while she was still alive) and used the bloody cage of bones and spine to bludgeon my father.
You might think this is a cute animal, rather, this is a bad animal. If you see one, burn it.