My new holiday would have to be Ace Ventura Day! The date i would be on is Aug 17. Everyone dresses up like Ace and acts like him for the whole day. The normal Ace Ventura apperal consists of: engineer boots, stripped pants, a wife beater, and a hawaiian shirt. One thing that is celebrated on this holiday is all the animals in this world. If u didnt know Ace is obsessed with all animails. One tradition is to give all of your pets a day at the spa. You send them there so they feel good about themselves. Decorations include pictures of animaila and Ace every where. Some people put up christmas ligths and stuffed animals all over. If your not an animal love thats ok, you can still dress up. I mean come on, who doesnt want to be like Ace. If you like animail in a different way, like hunting, thats fine too. Every one is entitled to celebrate this important holiday in their own special way. If you dont really know who Ace Ventura is I suggest you watch the movies Ace Ventura pet detective and when nature calls. Everyone should celebrate this vital holiday!!!